On Saturday, August 12th, 2023, Illumination stage presented by ProjectXIX debuted Canada’s only all-Asian Canadian DJ lineup at The Stanley Barracks during the Toronto Waterfront Night Market, with DJs like Somna & Hoang in the lineup along with support from DeeCee b2b Quim, Celestial, Intothemiks, Ninekai  & Trekk. All are hosted by Electric Escape.  During this, I had the opportunity to interview Sabai from Monstercat at Hotel X.

For those of you that don’t know. Gene aka Sabai is a Thai-Canadian DJ and producer based in Vancouver, Canada. Sabai started his musical journey at the age of 13 when he picked up the guitar and learned how to play, he debuted his first single back in 2019 “Another Life”. His popular single “Million Days,” in collaboration with Hoang, was released in 2020.  Currently, Sabai & Hoang are on tour for their Million Days tour and in between their time, they had the opportunity to play here in Toronto for us.

That night, following up on Hoang’s set, the crowd was ready for what Sabai had in store. With a new single, “The Call” by Sabai, If Found & Linney being premiering for the first time, it was a set not worth missing. Going from trance with Somna to melodic dubstep with Hoang, everyone was ready for the final set of the night. Especially when the duo Sabai X Hoang are together, a b2b between them could happen at any moment!

Prior to Sabai’s set that night, I had a chance to sit down at Hotel X with him to chat. So i hope you all enjoy this interview.


K: Can you tell us about yourself and where you got the name Sabai? 

Sabai: Yeah, so originally I grew up in Thailand, and I moved to Vancouver when I was 16. So now I consider myself living in Vancouver and how I got the name Sabai. I've always wanted a Thai name as part of my branding. And it was actually my boss at Monstercat, Mike Darlington, who's the founder of Monstercat, that actually helped me come up with Sabai. We were going through a list of cool-sounding Thai words. So I literally just typed in Google and then five of them came up. And then he was like, oh, Sabai sounds cool. And then I went with it along with the meaning around everything that seemed very fitting. So we went with it.  

K: What does Sabai mean again? 

Sabai: Sabai means comfortable in Thai. 

K: What instruments do you play, and at what age did you start? 

Sabai: Guitar is my main. I believe I started when I was in grade seven. So I think that's when I was 13. So it's been 17 years now. And I play a bit of piano as well.  But I would say guitar is my main though.

K: OK, so I see you got a new song coming out soon on August 25th that we can pre-save. So the song's name is “The Call” by Sabai If Found and Linney. I'm excited to hear that song later. What can you tell us about the song? 

Sabai: So, I'm super excited to play the song live. So tonight is going to be the first time that I'm playing the song live ever. And the music is probably one of my favourite productions. This is a song about when you were a kid, and you get that question of, I wonder what I will be when I grow up. I was trying to take us back to when I was like eight years old, I was in my room thinking oh, I wonder who I'm going to be when I grow up. And basically, The Call is a song about following your childhood dream of what you always wanted to do, which is music. And now I'm doing music. So I wanted to write a song that showed that journey of what I manifested wanting to do since I was a kid, and now I'm actually doing it. 

K: So at what moment do you believe you made a mark in the industry? Like a milestone? 

Sabai: When I had a collab with Elephante, the “Love Again” collab, and then when Elephante reached out to me to go on tour with him, and then when we went on tour in the US, that was when I was like, wow, I have fans that are singing along to my songs coming out to see me and why I'm performing together. That was when it started to feel real that this could really be a thing that I could really go along with.

K: So I know Hoang, and you debuted “Million Days” together, and now you guys will be on tour as well. Aside from Elephante and Yetep, who you've worked with together, especially since you made a demo for Tim, and then you guys had the song Love Again. Are there any other artists that you would love to work with? 

Sabai: Yeah, definitely a few, but I feel like it's more like, if it feels right, I'm going to let it happen. But the artists that I really really look up to are Gryffin, Dabin and Slander. There's something about them, especially Gryffin and Dabin. I think the fact that they both play guitar. I just feel like I really really look up to both of them and the same with Slander. That would be like my dream collab. But we'll see.

K: I was actually thinking about how it would be if you both played guitar at the same time. Like, because then that would be crazy. 

Sabai: Yeah, so we actually did that live with Elephante during our show in LA. We built a more extended section for guitar solos, where Tim did his own guitar solo for the 16 bars. And then I did my one guitar solo for another 16 bars. I thought it was fun. And I want to do more of that. But yeah, if there's another collaborator that I could do guitar solos live with, it'd be really cool. 

K: OK. I'm excited for that. So off the top of your head, what's your favorite memory of being a DJ or producer?

Sabai: The one that comes to mind is the LA show, the debut show of the Million Days Tour at the Watsi. That was a very special night. So everyone was there, like my friends from Thailand, Houston, and North Carolina. People were flying around to see me because that was such an important show. And then, on top of that, all the fans that came in bought the tickets three months in advance. They're super hardcore fans who know the lyrics to all my songs and Hoang's songs. It's a fantastic feeling like seeing people sing along to your song. Yeah, so that night, I'd say that's the special night for me. 


K: So, the Ikigai label and the North Star remix contest, do you have any projects coming up in the future that you can share?

Sabai: Yeah, I am actually doing so many things, but one of the main things is definitely, I'll just say it, why not? I'm working on an album right now that I'm really really excited about. I feel like everything that I made this year, it's very special because I feel like I've truly, truly found my purpose in life earlier this year, along with all the music that I've written till now.

I feel like the music that I wrote three years ago was coming from a lot of breakups and pains that I was going through. And that was just me, by myself, in the studio making it, which is excellent, but it's much more collaborative this year. So after I found my purpose, I started to attract similar people who share similar values and everything.

So the music that I'm putting out and creating this year, it's very like, it's crazy. Because it's like songwriters that have been doing this for a long time, and then they're like, everyone's doing music full time, so everyone got their journey to where they are today, and then we share our experience.

So when I started the writing session, I would go around in circles sharing my insecurity and things that I struggle with and why I'm doing music, and everyone in the room would do the same thing. Once we found a common theme, you would write about that. It became something that we were all very invested in, so even The Call is, like, one of those, same with North Star, but that’s like the first two tracks that we put out so far, but yeah, I have a lot more. 

K: What is one goal for yourself for 2023 or 2024?

Sabai: Wait, what year is it now? 2023. Like the goal. I feel like I no longer put so much pressure on goals because I feel like, in the past, I did that. You know, it used to be like, oh, I want to hit one million streams, and then when I hit one million streams, it was like, maybe if I hit five million, I'll be happy. When you hit five million, it was like, oh now I want to play like this stage, and then when I play the stage, it was kind of like, oh.

So I start to realize that it will sound corny, but I feel like when you're feeling like it's enough, like what I have now, and then you're just like, I think I have a long-term goal of where I want to be, right? I want to keep playing bigger shows, and making an impact in people's lives, but it's not so much like I need to put pressure that I need to play EDC by this year or day.

But I dream that I do want to play there, you know? I'm just going to let it pan out slowly. Yeah, so I forgot what the question was, but basically, the true goal that I wanted the most is to get points for airlines so that I'm on a different tier so that I can start flying, like business class. Because I fucking hate flying so much, that would be like my dream, not having to fly coach anymore, but we're not there yet.  

Keith: So what the F*** do DJs do? The real question is, what do you like to do in your spare time?

Sabai: Um, spare time. (Lol) I'm building a lot of businesses right now. I think the side that people only see me right now is me being a musician, being a DJ and producer, but there's so much more to the network and the business that I'm building behind the scenes because, ah, I'll say, why not?

So, there are four businesses that I know that I want to build. That's like my life. So Sabai is one of them. Secondly is Ikigai, the record label, and then third is a podcast. The fourth is a venue, like an event company. All these four, they're all businesses that I'm very, very passionate about, and then all four, they complement each other.

So imagine if you're signing to my label, you know you can go on tour with me, and you can also have an opportunity to go on a podcast to share your story of why you're making music and all that, to reach more fans, and then lastly. It's also the venue that I'm building, you know, we can leverage that, not leverage, not the right word, but we can, this can be like another value that I can add to each other, and then they're all, like, complementing each other. So these are the four core businesses that I'm building right now, on the side, other than making the album and then going on tour and stuff. 

K: Okay, gotcha. And I love the part where you have Ikigai because you're giving back, or like you're giving forward the experience that you can have yourself from Monstercat. Like, I remember Seven Lions, he did a contest for his song back then, and then out of that contest, he had a whole playlist of remixes, which was able to help other producers come forward as well. So I love that you're doing the same, paying forward your experience and sharing that with everybody.

Sabai: And one thing about the label, it's not only the artists that I'm able to help, but it's also the whole creative space, whether you’re an artist, a songwriter, and vocalist, but on top of that, even videographers, designers, anything that's art-related. We can build around this right.

So it's very exciting, and also the name Ikigai is, I'll talk about this too because it's like how I live my life now. So the word Ikigai, it's a Japanese word for, um, it's basically how you find, like your purpose in life. So they break it down to this, like in four quadrants, where if you get to do, I believe it's, if it's something that you're good at, something that you can make money from, something that you are passionate about, and then something that the world needs.

Like, if you can build a life and make a career where all these four aspects are part of it, that's when you'll find your purpose in life. And once you find that, it's very like, I feel incredibly focused. Then I'm no longer, like, depressed or sad.  It's very like, even if things are overwhelming. It's okay because you know that there's a true purpose, of like where you're going like there's a compass or map for where you're going.

K: All right. So, being Thai, what are your top three Thai dishes? 

Sabai: Very difficult, but Pad Thai is one of them. It's weird. Pad Thai is very popular outside of Thailand. Maybe because there's the name Thai in it, but in Thailand, Pad Thai is equivalent to every other dish. But, like Pad Thai, Gra Prow is excellent. And then anything with oh! Larb. I like Larb. It's kind of like a salad dish that you dip sticky rice in. But yeah. I'm trying to get sponsored right now. My dream would be to go on tour in these different cities. And then, I would just hit a Thai restaurant and bring many of my fans over, and you do, like a meet and greet there. And I eat Thai food, and then I just get the exposure for the restaurant, and that's it. Yeah, I want good Thai food. 

K: That sounds fun. Is there anything you want to say to the readers and viewers?  

Sabai: Reader and viewers. I'd say believe in yourself and whatever you do. Okay, might be a bit long, but I think this is important. I think I believe that everyone will always have to make a decision whether to trust your brain to make a decision for you or your heart to make a decision for you. And then every time, like your brain would be like, you know, go to school, graduate, stick to the 9 to 5. Your brain is telling you that that's the logical, smart move to do because it's safe. 

But if your heart is telling you that you're depressed being here, and there's something else that your heart is telling you that you could do more, the longer that you're trying to listen to your brain over your heart, the pain is just going to keep getting bigger and bigger. And one day, it's going to burst. And I believe that the more that you're letting yourself follow your heart, it will. It will be so much more comfortable because that's what and where life is supposed to let happen. So basically, just trust your heart, believe in yourself, trust your intuition, and things will work out. If you just put your work in, like work hard at it.


What's your favourite fast food?  Popeyes. 

What's your favourite drink to order?  Pineapple or something. Anything in pineapple. 

What was your first rave as an attendee? I still remember this one so clearly. It was the Season in Vancouver when Calvin Harris was playing. Yeah. I saw him, and I was like, you know, that's cool. I want to be the guy up there. Yeah, and then I just dropped out of school after.

What is your favourite rave or music festival? EDC.

What's your favourite season of the year? It's not Summer, but it's like. Summer's too hot, but it's. What's the season when it's not raining a lot, but it's more cloudy? 

Fall? Autumn? Autumn's like the rain in Fall. Sure, Fall. It's either Fall or Spring, but in Spring, it rains. Sure, like that season, like the no rain season and a bit cloudy.

Would that be winter, then? Okay, Fall, Fall. Sabai likes Fall.

What's your favourite colour? Blue. 
Starbucks or Tim Hortons?

House or trance?  House.

Dubstep or drum and bass?  Dubstep, yeah. Dubstep is good. 

Tech or Psytrance? Psytrance. 

Day or night?  Oh, hard. Day 

Cold or hot? Cold. 

Okay, and then this is the last one.  Who is taller?  Sabai or Hoang? Like, we need to end this because it's not even a question. I'm like, I'm like a foot taller than Mike. 

Mike (Hoang): I'm taller.

Sabai: And I'm like, I get offended because sometimes fans will come up to me and say, oh my god, Hoang, I love your music. And I'm like, I am so much taller than Hoang. What do you mean, Hoang? This is Sabai!

K: Yeah, all right. Well, maybe we can have a comparison at the end.

Sabai: But yeah. Before we go, there's this one thing that so many fans like to do, and it's kind of funny. So I just put it out there because it happened at every show. And then they'll be like a fan that likes to run up to us at the show. And then they're like, oh my god, Sabai, Hoang, I love your music so much. Like, you know, I'm like your number one fan. We value your song, Million Years. And then I'm like, that is not our song. It's weird. Many people think it's called Million Miles and Million Years, mainly Million Years.  But it's Million Days.  But yeah, but it's just like, that's kind of funny.

K: All right. Well, you know what? Million Days is too good of a song. That's when you know you don't know the lyrics.

Sabai: What is it? Million Miles and Million Years and Million Months. Everything.

Mike (Hoang): A million bucks.

Following the interview, we all had a chance to chill and jam during DeeCee & Quim’s b2b and Somna sets. I loved that Sabai was wearing his jersey walking through the crowd in front of the stage, and connecting with the fans! I was even able to get a picture with Sabai and my friends together too, considering my friend Patricia was the one who brought me to a venue in Scarborough back in 2021 to see Sabai! This moment was one where I could share this experience with my friend, who introduced me to Sabai's music.

With Sabai’s set, he delivered, the crowd went bananas as Stanley Barracks was packed up for the night. The Sabai X Hoang b2b did happen at the end of Sabai’s set when they played “Million Days” together. In addition to the one last song, they even played their unreleased single for us called “Daydream”. Getting to hear “The Call” was already a treat, but getting to listen to another unreleased. Yay! What more can we ask for?

For anyone who missed out that weekend, don’t worry; Sabai will be back again soon. He was here in Toronto back in June, so considering he came back for this just a month and a half later. That’s a win for Toronto! For now, Sabai and Hoang are on tour for their Million Days tour, so if they’re coming to your city, make sure you go because you don’t want to miss out on the Sabai X Hoang set!


Hopefully, the next time he’s back in Toronto. We’ll get a full Sabai X Hoang set!


After that weekend, my mind was blown away by how crazy and fun it was. I finally conducted more interviews, video interviews, that is, along with it being 3 DJs. Along with doing the interviews, I even got to chill and party with them for the weekend! But once the weekend was done, I started recollecting my thoughts. Hearing Sabai explain Ikigai himself previously really got me thinking. Where is life going to take me, and what am I going to do to live life the way I want to?


Once again, this was a fantastic experience for real! Thank you to everyone involved in setting up these interviews, along with everyone planning the event. Big thank you to Zahar, aka Zirus Media, for recording the discussion. I hope you all enjoyed these interviews and hopefully, we’ll have more for y’all again soon. This is only the beginning! Haha!


PS: I’m taller than Sabai & Hoang. JKJK! LOL. xD, I’m sorry. I had to add this just now! LOL!

You guys are awesome, and I love the fact that you two are best bros and are a duo like Dab The Sky!


Thanks for reading!!! -Keith Au, aka Keyfu and make sure you check out the full interview below