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Zight is an emerging EDM artist hailing from Hong Kong. His style is distinctly upbeat, fusing feel good melodies to euphoria-dripped soundscapes and thunderously thumping rhythms. His creative process is unique in the way he crafts his iconic sound. The artist suffers from the disorder “synthesia”, which means his emotions are often transferred into melodies in his mind. The result is something authentic and oozing with originality. Forming a unique bond with music from an early age, burgeoning producer Zight is ready to leave his mark on the dance music world.


CR: Hello Zight, Glad to have you on Canadianravers how are you doing?

Z: It’s so good to meet you guys. :]

I’m doing great. Social lockdown in Hong Kong. No distraction from the outside world. 100% focus on making music.

CR: Tell us a little bit of the story behind the track ‘Fly Away’ connecting with Sonna Rele to write and produce this track, as well where did the inspiration come for it?

Z: Actually the chorus of “Fly Away” is a piece of melody that stayed in my hard drive for 11 years, like when I was a kid. I have melodies popping in my head occasionally. Most are dull, few are worth recording. I can’t remember exactly how I recorded “Ya gonna be okay, you gotta fly gotta fly away” in my mp3 player. Guess it was the dream of the kid, who just wanted to fly away.

It was a long journey after that. Anyway, I finished “Fly Away” in October last year. And then I tried to contact many singers on Instagram, Youtube, through emails and DMs. One day Sonna Rele replied me. I remember her voice in “Strong”, the theme song of the Disney movie “Cinderella”, so sweet yet so much strength. At that moment I knew she is the singer I’ve been looking for.


CR: What is the best advice you have received while pursuing your career as a DJ/Producer?

Z: Oh there is one piece of advice that helped to improve the quality of my songs - be a professional listener. You have to learn to listen, to analyze, to learn from these songs from the famous producers. The chords, instrumental structure. Listening is far more important than producing.

CR: We know EDM scene is getting huge in Hong Kong how did that influence you as an artist? Also, which club in Hong Kong is your favourite to attend.

Z: It is definitely growing! The mainstream music market here is still dominated by old-fashioned Cantonese love songs. Guess that’s one of the reasons why I wanted to “fly away”.

CR: What do you like to do during your downtime other than producing music?

Z: Actually, I’m a pretty nerdy person. I’m into music theories, piano and music production. Well, for the rest of the time, computer games. Cities Skylines, Planet Coaster. I like strategy simulation games. In these games, you build nice, beautiful cities, and enjoy walking in it. I have a feeling that the DAW and my synthesizer the new “game” that I play with. I “build” nice, beautiful music and enjoy listening to it.

CR: DJs/ Producers travel with multiples of that one item, what is that item for you?

Z: My laptop with Splashtop, a software that remotely connects to my studio desktop. That’s all I need.

CR: Who is your biggest supporter as a Producer/ DJ?

Z: I should announce two names.

Davide Hausmann, my latest teacher in music production. He is the guidance, my mentor in dance music production. I sincerely thank him for every piece of advice.

My younger sister Remi. During the very challenging periods of startup (an online art gallery), and then the very beginning of music production. She consistently supports me to pursue what I feel right to pursue. During the production process, I have so many AB options, like, hey sister, “A” sounds better or “B” sounds better? She consistently gives me her honest opinions. I just want to say thank you to her.

CR: Since we have all been in lockdown, what genres have you been listening to get some inspiration for your next track?

Z: Actually, what I do at this moment is “extracting” beautiful melodies which have been stored in my hard drive over the past 20 years. I rate these melodies, from A grade to E grade, into different folders, different genres. I constantly hear good melodies now for sure, but not as good as what I heard when I was a kid I gotta admit.

CR: Are there any other projects that you are working on that our followers should know about?

Z: “Keep Running”, a song for all runners, collaborating with cover singer Peter Forest. I have strong faith that the pandemic is going to end very soon. I do hope “Keep Running” will bring some positive and energetic vibe to the post-pandemic new bright world.

Lighting Round for Zight

Texting or talking? Texting

Coffee or tea? Coffee

Hard liquor or Wine? Hard liquor

Cake or pie? Cake

Hot dogs or hamburgers? Hotdogs

Xbox or PlayStation? PC please :)

Movie theatre or arcade? PC please :)

Guitar or piano? Piano

Marvel or DC Comics? Marvel for sure

Dog or cat? Cat

Hot weather or cold weather? Cold weather

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