If you have ever attended an event in Toronto, you have spotted the eye in the crowd. Daniel Spata, the creator behind Sub•Label, has made a name in the Toronto rave scene. We love the brand he has created, along with a small community within Toronto. Sub•Label also created some dank memes for their followers for a daily dose of laughter in times like these. We have been following his journey since 2017 and wanted to sit down and get to know the name a little bit better. We hope to see more pupils in the crowd whenever raves do return.
CR: Hello SUB•LABEL, Glad to have you on Canadianravers how are you doing?
SL: Hey guys, thank you so much for having us we appreciate the love! We’re doing great, really excited for what’s to come for us in 2021.
CR: First, how did the idea come to life? Tell us everything about your story?
Daniel Spata (The Creator of SUB•LABEL) with his famous Clubrats shirt!!
SL: Ouffff where do we begin...While the brand officially launched in 2015, Sub•Label the idea, started back in 2013/14. Back then I was attending every festival and event I could go to and I remember seeing the merch available and thinking “this all fucking sucks" lol - no offence to them it was just not my thing. From there I started making custom gear for myself to wear then my friends saw it and liked it. Then I made custom gear for them. Then random strangers would ask them where they got it from...so on and so forth. The name “SUB•LABEL” is the marriage of 2 things... “SUB” meaning sub-culture/subterranean (underground) and “LABEL” conjoining clothing and music.
CR: What is a typical day in the life of SUB•LABEL?
SL: We usually keep in contact throughout the day via group chat, sharing the latest tracks we’ve found, tidbits of news, Guy Fieri gifs etc. Then in the evening we do our daily posting to the feeds and reply to all your DM’s, comments, mentions and emails.
Once that is done I get to work hand printing, decorating and fulfilling all the apparel orders. We all work demanding full-time jobs and sub•label is a daily grind but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
CR: You guys are very well known in the Toronto Techno/House Scene, how was it, in the beginning, trying to make a name for yourself?
SL: First off, thank you, that’s so dope to hear from a third-party perspective. Second, fucking tough and It still is. When I started I was not a DJ, producer, promoter or anything connected to the scene...I was just a club kid who loved the music. No connections meant no shortcuts and that’s how I approach it even today. In my eyes, we haven’t done shit yet...
CR: We know you have had your booth in a lot of events, which one is by far your favourite and why?
SL: You can’t see me but I am smiling right now thinking back to all our ELECTRIC ISLAND tents! being able to put faces to Instagram handles is amazing (I realize I can see pictures on the IG but it’s not the same fuck u haha). Meeting and interacting with everyone in IRL is pure magic and something I never want to take for granted. The cherry-on-top is walking around the festival and being blown away by everyone who either wore the gear to the festival or purchased it there, it’s so priceless and humbling.
CR: Where did the ‘Follow the Pupil’ term start?
SL: Follow The Pupil was something that started completely on its own which makes it so cool to us. For those who don’t know, our sub•label logo was designed to look like an eyeball. So people would rock their gear at events and we would get tagged on IG by others who’ve spotted them in the crowd or dancing and would take videos and stuff. Our “pupil” logo would be seen throughout the crowd and it kinda became an inside thing for anyone who knows of the brand.
Its kinda like a game...look for the pupil, follow the pupil I guess
CR: What is the best advice you have received while pursuing your dream?
SL: The best advice I’ve received is “if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together”. This is something I struggle with as I’m an introverted, DIY type person and perfectionist on top of that. The problem with this is it’s literally impossible to grow when doing everything yourself. Luckily 2 very close friends of mine help with posting content to the main feed and curating our banging monthly playlist...shout out to @len0xmusic and @jondraper_ respectively! So grateful to have them to share all the highs and lows with <3
Honourable advice mention: “Art is never finished only abandoned”
CR: Can you describe the process from the idea to printed merchandise? How long does each step take before you go to the next? Do you get an “in the zone” feeling when you do create a new design?
SL: This process is almost never linear for me. Ideas strike whenever or wherever TF they want and you have to be ready to make note of them at any moment. I’ll usually jot down these ideas in my notes on my phone or a physical note pad if I have one handy...I’ll then try to create a super rough digital version of it while it’s fresh. From there it can sit for weeks, months even years before it sees the light of day. I’ll occasionally sift through “old” ideas and edit/fine-tune them at a little bit each time until they’re at the point I feel comfortable releasing them. If you’re wondering where all these ideas are, refer to the honourable advice mention in question #7 ;) Looking to abandon more art in 2021.
CR: The music/entertainment industry is in the dumps right now and everyone is doing their part to keep things afloat, how did you guys connect with the guys from ‘For the Underground Festival Toronto’ to help Toronto underground scene?
SL: Yeah, we’re super stoked to be apart of something so special and close to home. Our homies at UPH actually hit us up and asked if we wanted to be apart of this! No question, any chance to help support our local venues and artists we jumped at. Shout-out out to AD the Kid who also had a hand In the initiative's conception.
CR: Tell us a little bit more about your music taste, what is your favourite genre and some artists?
SL: How much time do we have? Haha, my music taste Is pretty damn wide but is generally dictated by what phase I am in at the moment. Electronic takes the cake 95% of the time (techno, house, trance) but I am also a big pop-punk fan and huge slut for classic rock and 80’s music hahaha.
CR: You have hosted some artists on your page, will your brand ever turn into an imprint for some of the underground artists to showcase their music?
SL: I believe that half of the opportunity is timing...The label is in the name for a reason ;) Stay tuned
CR: We know you collaborated with several artists and events locally for creating their merchandise, will you collaborate with more artists/events outside of techno/house to put your name out locally/internationally?
SL: Absolutely. While sub•label is rooted in Techno and House, SUB stands for anything sub- culture. With that being said, whatever we do must always remain authentic to our interests and beliefs.
CR: What is the future looking like for you guys as 2021 is around the corner, anything the followers should know about?
SL: Wanna be careful not to jinx 2021 with any of that “new year, new me “bullshit but honestly, we’ve never been more excited about the brand’s direction and what’s to come. I have a fuck ton of unreleased shit we’re working hard at releasing and we’re excited to just continuing this journey, taking risks, learning, FAILING, growing, trusting the process and putting everything we have into it. sub•label has always has been rooted in passion and persistence and this year will be no different.
Lighting Round for SUB•LABEL
1. Texting or talking? Texting ( I’ll still respond in 3-5 business days)
2. Coffee or tea? Coffee
3. Hard liquor or Beer? Liquor (vodka only doe)
4. Cake or pie? Cake
5. Hot dogs or hamburgers? Burgs
6. Xbox or PlayStation? Playstation all-day
7. Movie theatre or arcade? Movie theatre
8. Marvel or DC? Batman is my fav but as a universe overall, Marvel.
9. Electric Island or Piknik Montreal. Electric Island...only bc I’ve never been to Piknik!
10. Vertigo or Stereo. Vertigo....again, only bc I’ve never been to Stereo (I know I know)
11. Coda or Toybox. CODA...sorry Toybox fam :P
12. House or Techno. House...Nobody Listens To Techno ;)