
MindGazm is an electronic DJ/producer duo that intertwines visual art and live instrumentation into their original deep house productions. The pair, consisting of Gregory Gelfand and Jenya Taran, initially began crafting their own unique signature brand of music as an experimental acid jazz-progressive rock band. By 2017, the group’s sonic identity began to shift into the realm of pop-infused electronic dance music. Together, the pioneering trailblazers innovatively combine experiential visuals with house and rock to create a new sound that has moved both the underground EDM and progressive rock club scenes.


The secret formula that makes MindGazm tick lies in the essence of its hybrid rock-EDM style. Fusing funk, rock, and deep house beats with rich tones and classical textures, MindGazm has taken their performance to the next level. Storytelling visuals, the guitar, keyboard, vocals, and smooth beats aid in telling MindGazm’s story, in turn creating a new medium for an immersive experience.


CR: Hello MindGazm, Glad to have you on Canadianravers how are you doing?

MG: We are doing great! Feeling like 2021 is the big year.

CR: How did you guys meet and start MindGazm? Tell me a little bit about yourself?

MG: MindGazm started as a live music jazz with a visuals project and then quickly morphed into an electronic deep house. We are a DJ/VJ duo and we are also life partners! Creating and working together really helps us bring about something new. We are both from the eastern block, however different parts. We are both classically trained and always inspired by nature and subliminal messaging. With MindGazm we hope to come together to help inspire others but most importantly to make people dance.


CR: Your recent EP ‘Sensual Guidance’ is an incredible 4 track masterpiece, tell us the process of creating the sounds and producing them? 

MG: Each track tells a story, and the combined tracks are a full storyline. The idea behind the EP is it's a guide for certain collections of feelings that we hope will be a trip to the nearest listening station.


CR: We noticed that you are from New York, how has the city inspired you a person and a producer?

MG: The city is like a never-ending onion, always inspiring new stories and never-ending sounds. The concrete jungle is always vibrating with new music ideas and new storylines.

CR: Who is your biggest supporter as Producers/ DJs?

MG: Our fans and the DJs that play our music are our biggest supporters. We are extremely grateful for our listeners; our fanbase is still growing but they are dedicated.

CR: If you can collaborate with one big artist? Who would it be?

MG: We would love to collaborate with someone like Yotto or Ben Bhomer, these guys are coming up with a new sonic plane and we would love to be a part of it.

CR: Which festival is your dream festival to play? And why?

MG: Coachella - because headlining there would mean not only did we breakthrough but we finally made it!!

CR: What do you like to do during your downtime other than producing music?

MG: Gregory from Mindgazm: I really like to write, screenwriting and film production is how I spend my free time when I am not with family or friends. I have written several screenplays and hope someday I can really blow up on the big screen with something.

CR: Since we getting close to the holidays, what are your plans for Christmas and NYE?

MG: No big plans! We were in Mexico hiding out for Christmas and for NYE we are having a small home party and streaming live music staying low & staying safe.

CR: What is the future looking like for you guys as 2021 is around the corner, anything the followers should know about?

MG: We are really looking forward to getting back to festivals and clubs, as well as additional releases in 2021.

Lighting Round for Mindgazm

1.     Texting or talking?

2.     Coffee or tea?

3.     Hard liquor or Wine? neither

4.     Cake or pie?

5.     Hot dogs or hamburgers? neither

6.     Xbox or PlayStation? neither

7.     Movie theatre or arcade?

8.     Guitar or piano?

9.     Marvel or DC Comics?

10.  Dog or cat?

11.  Hot weather or cold weather?